1. Production services for black garlic and its derivatives.
We provide services for businessmen who want to make black garlic products and their derivatives with international quality.
2. Product formulation and development services
Supported by the strength of scientific and innovative products, we provide services for businesses that want to develop innovative products with their own brands (private label).
3. Product packaging services
Provides automatic packaging services for businesses that want to package liquid or powder products..
4. Other services
Provides drying services for businessmen who want to dry natural raw materials into simplisia.
Keuntungan Jasa Makloon
Standar mutu yang terkontrol dan konsisten
Berstandar GMP dan Halal MUI
Fasilitas modern
Team yang handal dan professional (RND, QC, PRODUKSI)
Harga kompetitif untuk pemasaran MLM dan Konvensional
Our Team
Research And Development
PPIC & Purchasing
Finance & Accounting
Marketing Promotion & Export
Our Facility
Serambi Botani
Produk kualitas internasional, proses produksinya terjamin aman dan terukur, sudah banyak konsumen yang merasakan khasiatnya.
PT Gracia Gamma Global
Pelayanannya ramah, hasilnya memuaskan, cara Kerjanya cepat dan terukur, senang bekerjasama dengan PT Alam Scientia Asia.
Kami puas dengan hasil packing dari PT ASA, selain karena hasil final sesuai request, kami juga merasa terbantu karena fast respon dan koordinasi yg baik dr pic yang menangani project perusahaan kami.
Ibnu Sina
Kami puas dengan hasil packing dari PT ASA, selain karena hasil final sesuai request, kami juga merasa terbantu karena fast respon dan koordinasi yg baik dr pic yang menangani project perusahaan kami.
Hydro Farm
Kami puas dengan hasil packing dari PT ASA, selain karena hasil final sesuai request, kami juga merasa terbantu karena fast respon dan koordinasi yg baik dr pic yang menangani project perusahaan kami.
Kami puas dengan hasil packing dari PT ASA, selain karena hasil final sesuai request, kami juga merasa terbantu karena fast respon dan koordinasi yg baik dr pic yang menangani project perusahaan kami.
About Us
PT Alam Scientia Asia is one of Indonesia’s leading producers of black garlic products. We produce a wide range of healthy foods.
New product development is key to our innovation. We create innovative products using the best ingredients and local resources. We are committed to providing high-quality products, best services, and providing consumer satisfaction in maintaining health naturally, and fully supported by science with the tagline:
“Elevate your healthy lifestyle with us”
Perumahan Graha Indah Jl. Cendana I Blok BD No. 9 RT 006 RW 004 Kelurahan Kedung halang Kecamatan Bogor Utara
Jl. Rancamaya situberem bitung sari, Ciawi Bogor, Jawa Barat, Indonesia 16720 (Depan arsip BBPT)
About Us
PT Alam Scientia Asia is one of Indonesia’s leading producers of black garlic products. We produce a wide range of healthy foods. New product development is key to our innovation. We create innovative products using the best ingredients and local resources. We are committed to providing high-quality products, best services, and providing consumer satisfaction in maintaining health naturally, and fully supported by science with the tagline: “Elevate your healthy lifestyle with us”